We, at Brighter Future Learning Center, strongly believe that a solid understanding of writing and grammar is the first step to a strong foundation in your child's success.
Utilizing our successful and challenging curriculum, we aim to help and guide students to build a deeper understanding of the English language.
Our passion for teaching and helping students excel is beyond any other learning center. We are eager to help your child discover the Power of Learning!
Our 1st Grade students will learn how to use basic grammar concepts to write complete sentences. With that knowledge, students will also learn to incorporate main ideas and topic sentences to construct paragraphs. The curriculum includes guiding students to develop skills in reading comprehension.
Phonics Class NEW!
Our newly open Phonics Class at Brighter Future, is currently only available for our Academic Support students. These youngsters practice handwriting, pronunciation, and must complete their Brighter Future's daily homework everyday.
At Brighter Future, our Writing curriculum focuses on Narrative, Descriptive, Informative, and Persuasive writing.
Eng 2
Composition Writing & Critical Reading Lvl 1
Building upon the knowledge your child has learned, we will work together to solidify their grammar knowledge with a strong emphasis on vocabulary and grammar acquisition.
Eng 3
Composition Writing & Critical Reading Lvl 2
Your child will continue to build upon the reading and writing skills taught in Eng 2. Short passage reading comprehension will be practiced.
Eng 4
Composition Writing & Critical Reading Lvl 3
Using grammatical and vocabulary knowledge to improve writing skills while applying critical thinking skills into formal wrtiing. Our students will begin to analyze the effectiveness of writing concepts in extended passages.
Eng 5
Composition Writing & Critical Reading Lvl 4
• How can you apply advanced vocabulary words to your own writing?
• Can you analyze your own writing before middle school?
• Are they ready for the next step in their education?
Essay & Personal Statement Writing Lvl 1
Essay 1
This course is an introduction to argumentative, persuasive, and informative essay writing. Specifically, we focus on how to properly execute a magnificient five-paragraph essay. Through engaging class discussions, your child will develop in-depth writing styles to prepare for high school level writing.
Literary Analysis Lvl 1
Essay 2
Essay writing skills learned in previous classes will soon be used in this class -- mainly, to develop critical writing and critical reading skills. Your child will learn how to analyze and interpret literature.
Literary Analysis Lvl 2
Lit 8G
In Lit 8G, to sharpen student timed essay skills, they must develop grammar practice, application, and vocabulary building. These are essential to harness the intellectual and creative capacity in students. Our primary goal is to help them develop a stronger understanding of literary analysis.